All you need to know about Choices Programs for your children!
If you are exploring new educational opportunities for your child for the year 2022-2023, you are in the right place. We will show you in this article all the six programs and schools under "Choices program" that is available for LAUSD students to explore.
When is LAUSD CHOICES Deadline?
The last day to submit your application is November 11, 2022. The window to submit an application for CHOICES is October 1, 2022, to November 11, 2021. The late application window opens on February 1, 2023.

Magnet Programs
Magnet Program is a voluntary integration program that provides rigorous, high-quality theme-based instruction to facilitate student learning and promote academic achievement. Magnet programs embrace the interests of all students by focusing on thematic instruction and personalized learning.
Currently, there are 330 magnet programs located throughout the district. Each of the magnet programs falls within one of eight instructional themes: Business, Communication Arts, Centers for Enriched Studies, Gifted and Highly Gifted, Liberal Arts, Public Service, Science/Technology/Engineering/Math or Visual and Performing Arts.
Students who will be in grades K-12 for the 2022-2023 school year and live within the L.A. Unified boundary are eligible to apply for magnet programs. See the list of schools that offer Magnet Program. Only Gifted and Highly Gifted Magnets require specific eligibility criteria for selection.
All applicants for Gifted and Highly Gifted Magnets must be identified or verified and submit a magnet application. Click here to see the guidelines for applying to magnet programs. You need to confirm that your school has submitted the Verification of Eligibility form on or before the November 12, 2021, deadline. If you are homeschooling, you need to contact on or before November 12, 2021, deadline to initiate the verification process. If you are applying to a High Gifted Magnet, you should contact (213) 241-4177 or to verify eligibility.
Transportation is available to some magnet programs, but not all. Before making your selection, you should contact the school or Transportation Services (800) LABUSES to determine if the magnet program offers transpiration and if the pick-up/drop-off location is reasonable for you.

Permits With Transportation (PWT)
Permits With Transportation (PWT) is one of L.A. Unified's original integration programs to provide students with integrated school experiences within LAUSD. PWT school assignments are made by the district to one of the following schools: Revere middle school, Portola middle school, or Taft high school. The PWT program does not provide transportation to magnets or any other Choices program.
Students who are in grades 6-12 during the 2022-2023 school year and reside within the following L.A. Unified resident school boundary sending areas are eligible to apply for the PWT program:
Audubon Middle School
Drew Middle School
Gompers Middle School
Harte Prep Middle School
Mann Middle School
Muir Middle School
Obama Global Middle School
Ánimo Watts Charter High School
Crenshaw High School
Dorsey High School
Jordan High School
Locke High School
Manual Arts High School,
Washington Prep. High School
PWT priority selection is given to matriculating PWT students and students with siblings in the PWT program, while continuing at the same PWT school during the same year. The remaining PWT seats will be assigned randomly. For application guidelines, click here. For more information on PWT, click here.

Dual Language Education
Dual Language Education is a program that provides grade-level content and literacy instruction in two languages, in English and the target language. L.A. Unified offers wide-ranging Dual Language Education programs that provide students with opportunities to develop the multilingual and multicultural skills necessary to be successful in a global society.
Currently, there are more than 200 Dual Language Education programs in grades TK-12 available in the following program models: Two-Way Immersion, One-Way Immersion, and World Language Immersion. The programs are offered in Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, French, Armenian, Arabic, and Japanese. Review the following Dual Language Education school list to determine the programs that fit your child’s needs.
Dual Language Two-Way Immersion Program: Classroom Composition the Dual Language Education Program is designed to provide students the opportunity to receive grade-level standards-based content in English and in a language other than English (target language). The Dual Language Education Program is designed to provide students the opportunity to receive grade-level standards-based content in English and in a language other than English (target language). t The Dual Language Education Program is designed to provide students the opportunity to receive grade-level standards-based content in English and in a language other than English (target language).
Dual Language One-Way Immersion Program: Classroom Composition
The Dual Language One-Way Immersion Program is designed to provide English Learners the opportunity to receive grade-level standards-based content in English and in a language other than English (target language).
World Language Immersion Program: Classroom Composition
The World Language Immersion Program is designed to provide students the opportunity to receive grade-level standards-based content in English and in a language other than English (target language).

Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS)
This program is for Gifted and talented students, who demonstrate evidence of high achievement in an identified area and need specialized services and support to fully develop their potential and support their academic success.
Each L.A. Unified school with identified gifted learners, regardless of program type, must cluster-group gifted learners for instruction and provide meaningful differentiated learning opportunities that challenge students to achieve beyond grade-based standards and expectations.
Students residing within the school boundaries of a designated SAS site who meet the eligibility criteria must be placed in the site’s SAS gifted/talented program (unless a parent has opted out). No formal application is required for a qualified student since SAS is the school site’s GATE instructional program for its students.
All students in grades PreK–11 who reside within L.A. Unified boundaries but outside school boundaries and who meet one of three eligibility criteria are eligible to apply for SAS participation for the following year. For SAS applicants, the teacher and principal of a student’s current school of attendance are responsible for determining if the student meets at least one of the three eligibility criteria.
Transitional kindergarten SAS classes are not available. All kindergarten SAS applicants must be verified by the administrator of the preschool or the transitional kindergarten (TK) program as meeting the eligibility criterion.
For kindergarten applicants who are not enrolled in preschool or TK, you need to contact Gifted/Talented Programs at (213) 241-4177 or for information regarding verification procedures. You may also visit the Gifted/Talented Programs website at (select Program Options and SAS).

Admission Criteria Schools
L.A. Unified offers two single-gender Leadership Academies with a focus on science, technology, engineering and math and four Early-College Programs with concurrent enrollment opportunities for high school students. You should visit the school’s website and call the school to attend informational sessions and learn about each school’s unique criteria before submitting a Choices application.
All students within L.A. Unified and outside of L.A. Unified may apply. In December, applicants will be contacted by the school to participate in their eligibility process. Students must pass eligibility requirements to proceed to the selection process. Out of District students must meet entrance criteria and obtain an inter-district permit to attend an ACS school. For more information about ACS program, click here.

Affiliated Charter Schools
Affiliated Charter Schools are semi-autonomous District public schools that converted to affiliated charter status via a charter petition process. The schools are authorized by the L.A. Unified Board of Education. The schools are given flexibility in areas of curriculum and professional development.
All students that reside in the State of California are eligible to apply to attend an Affiliated Charter School. However, the school must first serve students that reside within the Affiliated Charter School’s former attendance boundary. Parents who live in the Affiliated Charter School’s resident attendance boundary do not need to apply and directly contact the school for enrollment.
Parents who live outside of the Affiliated Charter School’s attendance boundary should apply through the Unified Enrollment application. The school, in coordination with the District, determines if additional space is available. If there is more interest in enrollment from non-resident families than there is space available, the school must hold a random public lottery for the remaining spaces. In the lottery, the remaining spaces are offered to students that live within L.A. Unified’s attendance boundary before other students. It is not necessary to use the district’s permit process to apply or be selected for admission to an Affiliated Charter School.
Don't use the Unified Enrollment Application for Independent Charter Schools. Questions about independent charter schools (a public school independent of, but authorized by, L.A. Unified) which are not part of the Unified Enrollment application, may be directed to the Charter Schools Division office (213) 241-0399. You may contact the specific Affiliated Charter School about the instructional program, goals, and public random lottery process.
If you have questions regarding all the other programs, you may contact Choices Support Line at (213) 241-4177.

To learn more about any of these programs, click here. To find a LAUSD school near you, click here. Click here to view the digital Choices brochure.
To apply for any of the Choice programs, except for independent charters, you need to first login to your LAUSD parental portal, then click on Apply to Programs. You may also contact (213) 241-4177 or email
After you submit your application, you should receive a notice in December 2021 if there are any errors on your application, and you will be given a deadline to correct the errors.
If you have applied for Gifted Magnet program, SAS, or ACS, by February 2022, you will move on to the selection process if your child is eligible, or the application is dropped if your child is ineligible.
In March 2022, you should look for the status of your application if you are on a waiting list or have been selected for the Magnet, SAS, or ACS. If you are selected, you need to accept or decline the desired program online or by contacting the school. No response is required if you are declining. If you are on a waiting list, there is no action is required. You will be notified by the school if a space is available for your child.
Note that if you have applied online, you will receive letters via your online account, and if you submit a paper application, you will receive letters via U.S. Mail.
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The LAUSD Choices Programs offer an incredible array of educational opportunities tailored to meet the diverse needs and interests of students. This comprehensive guide helps families navigate through various options, including magnet schools, dual language programs, and specialized academies. Just as these programs aim to provide the best educational experiences, Copiers Northwest is committed to delivering leading office technology products and services in the Pacific Northwest region. Specializing in high-quality copiers, printers, and document management solutions, Copiers Northwest ensures that educational institutions and businesses operate efficiently and effectively. With our dedication to exceptional customer service and advanced technology, Copiers Northwest supports the success of our community’s educational and business endeavors.
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